Parts From Saint-Exupery's Plane
April 2004
By ANGELA DOLAND, Associated Press Writer
PARIS - It was one of French aviation's enduring mysteries: Antoine de Saint-Exupery,
the pilot and author of the beloved tale "The Little Prince," took off on a
World War II spy mission for the Allies and was never seen again. After 60
years, officials have confirmed that the twisted wreckage of a Lockheed
Lightning P-38, found on the Mediterranean seabed not far from the rugged cliffs
of Provence, belonged to Saint-Exupery, Air Force Capt. Frederic Solano said
Wednesday. In France, the discovery is akin to solving the mystery of where
Amelia Earhart's plane went down in the Pacific Ocean in 1937. "This was our
holy grail," said Philippe Castellano, president of an association of aviation
buffs who helped authorities identify the debris. "We never even imagined this."
It was a stunning revelation: Teams have been searching up and down the coast
for decades, and many experts believed the plane was probably too far out to sea
to be recovered. Clues to the crash started coming together in 1998, when a
bracelet bearing Saint-Exupery's name turned up in a fisherman's net near
Marseille. Some reports said the find was a fake. "For six years, people had
their doubts," said the fisherman, Jean-Claude Bianco. "People claimed I made it
myself." But Bianco's discovery jogged the memory of a local scuba diver, who
first saw the plane debris nestled in the ocean bed in the 1980s. The diver, Luc
Vanrell, pored over records of downed planes. By 2000, he was convinced he had
found the right one. But it took time to get permission from France's Culture
Ministry to have the pieces brought up for analysis. The plane, smashed into
hundreds of pieces, lies 100 to 300 feet below the surface, less than three
miles from the coast between Marseille and Cassis. The key find was a tail piece
bearing a tiny serial number, 2734 L — the same as Saint-Exupery's, Castellano
said. A piece of the puzzle remains unanswered: the cause of the crash. Theories
have ranged from hostile gunfire to suicide. The debris has so far yielded no
clues. "It's impossible to say if he was shot down, if he lost consciousness, or
if he had a mechanical accident," said Patrick Grandjean of the national
Department of Subaquatic and Submarine Archaeological Research. Famous for his
bravery, Saint-Exupery was selected for the dangerous mission of collecting data
on German troop movements in the Rhone River Valley. His plane vanished in the
night on July 31, 1944, when he was 44. He has become one of France's most
admired figures, in part because of "The Little Prince," a tender fable about a
prince from an asteroid who explores the planets and then falls to earth. Saint-Exupery's
other works, which largely deal with his aviation experiences, include "Wind,
Sand and Stars" and "Flight to Arras," about a doomed reconnaissance mission.
Until the euro currency was introduced in 2002, the novelist's image appeared on
the nation's 50-franc note. In Lyon, Saint-Exupery's hometown, the international
airport is named after him. Castellano, president of the Aero-ReL.I.C.
organization that helped identify the plane, said some Saint-Exupery fans
resisted the efforts. They wanted to keep the mystery alive. "In the end, I
think everyone is satisfied," he said. "We didn't find a body, so the myth
surrounding his disappearance will live on."